Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Justin Bieber Kissed Selena Gomez? OMG!!1!!?

If your local 15 year old girl has been looking a little "down" today, it's likely because of the release of the above photo.

"The Biebs" was photographed canoodling with former Disney star, Selena Gomez over the New Year's holiday. There have been rumors that the 2 were an item for awhile now, but they've been denying it. I'm no expert, but I'm thinking that will be pretty hard to do now.

**UPDATE: Some sources have been saying that Gomez has been receiving DEATH THREATS via Twitter from outraged Bieber fans (yes...really).

Jeff @ NOW2K

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. aw how cute! I remember when I was young and little boys would cuddle me like that.
