Thursday, March 18, 2010

Have You Been Locked Out?

So in the last few weeks, I've noticed that NOW2K has been reaching it's "listener cap" on a pretty regular basis. What exactly does this mean? Well, it means that there are certain times when people might want to listen to NOW2K but CAN'T because all the listening slots are full, which sucks for the people being "locked out".

Now, there are 2 options for me:
  • I can continue encouraging people to sign up for Live 365's VIP Membership which guarantees you will NEVER be "locked out of listening"and also gives you access to listen to NOW2K on your iPod Touch, iPhone and Blackberry.
  • Or I can INCREASE the number of available listener spots - which means a slight increase in my broadcasting fees (but don't worry...I'm not going to start charging you money to listen...NOW2K will ALWAYS be free).

So, I'm turning it over to the masses. You can either send me an e-mail with your thoughts OR answer the poll question on the right-hand side of the page.

Thanks for reading!

Jeff @ NOW2K

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