According to reports that have surfaced on-line, the cast will film Season 2 in South Beach. Rumor is they'll live in a house off of Lincoln Road. And yes, it will be fully equipped with a tanning bed, duck phone and lots of Italian flags. Filming is slated to start in May.
Talk that "Jersey Shore" might set up shop in sunny Miami started a week ago when uncovered a producer's letter to the owner of Mynt Lounge.
At that time, sources told the website that the network was deciding between Miami and nine other warm cities. Lucky you.
And if you've ever wondered what you'd look like as a Jersey Shore Guido or Guidette, be sure to check out the "Jerzify Yourself" website. When you're done, send me the link (or photo via e-mail) and I'll post them here on the blog!
Jeff @ NOW2K
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