Meet Rebecca Black.
She's the latest viral video sensation...for all the wrong reasons.
Rebecca's video "Friday" has blown up all over YouTube (to the tune of 9 million views as of today) and is being hailed as - and I quote: "The worst song in the history of music."
Even worse than Kim Kardashian's song "Jam"?
Here's the video...check it out for yourself - but be warned: the song WILL be stuck in your head forever:
Now, you might be asking yourself, "who are the evil SOB's who unleashed this piece of pure evil on the world?" Well, it's courtesy of
Ark Music Factory, who's sole purpose in life is - apparently - to make rockstar dreams come true for kids whose parents have way too much money.
Basically, you can pay Ark Music Factory a ton of cash and they'll fly your little princess out to their studios, let them record a song, auto-tune the living s**t out of it, produce a video and then release it to the world. And then maybe - just maybe - your little snowflake's song will get picked up by a major record label and she'll be a star.
Or the producers at
Tosh.0 will get their hands on it, mock her relentlessly and she'll become the laughingstock of millions of people around the world.
I guess when you look at it, it's STILL fame...right?
"Friday, Friday, Friday"
Jeff @ NOW2K