Port-au-Prince, the impoverished Haitian capital, was hit with a devastating earthquake Tuesday that caused the collapse of several buildings and an unknown number of fatalities. The 7.0 magnitude quake had its highest intensity in an area where at least 1.8 million people live.
A list of ways to get involved in relief efforts and stay connected with those still Haiti is provided below.
Canadian Red Cross is accepting donations to support Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti. Donations can be earmarked to the Haiti earthquake fund. Canadians who wish to give may donate online by clicking here. Donations can also be made by calling 1-800-418-1111 or by visiting any Red Cross office. The Canadian Red Cross sent $200,000 immediately to support emergency relief efforts on the ground and is on standby to provide additional emergency assistance. The Red Cross response includes evacuation support, search and rescue efforts and providing shelter and first aid. Local Red Cross volunteers continue to work around the clock to help the many people affected by this disaster.
UNICEF Canada is taking donations for the earthquake in Haiti. An income tax receipt will be issued for all donations $25 or more. For donations less than $25, receipts will be issued upon request. Please email
secretary@unicef.ca or call 1-800-567-4483.
Salvation Army in Canada is sending $100,000 US in aid and has started a fundraising campaign.
Médecins Sans Frontières Canada - are setting up clinics to replace damaged medical facilities in Haiti. The group is also working to bring more teams into the country.
World Vision is preparing to distribute emergency supplies to those affected by the earthquake. World Vision has been working in Haiti for over 30 years, helping an estimated 300,000 Haitians each year to overcome poverty through providing access to education, clean water and nutrition, as well as helping families with medical care.
Partners in Health reports its Port-au-Prince clinical director, Louise Ivers, has appealed for assistance: "Port-au-Prince is devastated, lot of deaths. SOS. SOS... Temporary field hospital by us at UNDP needs supplies, pain meds and bandages." Follow link to help by donating.
Direct Relief is committing up to $1 million in aid for the response and is co-ordinating with its other in-country partners and colleague organizations. Their partners in Haiti include Partners in Health, St. Damien Children's Hospital, and the Visitation Hospital, which are particularly active in emergency response. Donate to Direct Relief online.
The Humanitarian Coalition — Care/Oxfam Canada/Oxfam Quebec/Save the Children. In collaboration with a number of organizations, The Humanitarian Coalition is
taking donations for relief for those devastated by the earthquake in Haiti on Tuesday.
Artists for Peace and Justice, which was established after director/producer/writer Paul Haggis met Rick Frechette, an American doctor and community organizer working in the slums of Haiti for 22 years, is accepting donations. Call 310-319-1394 for further assistance.
International Medical Corps. a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonprofit organization, is deploying an emergency response team to Haiti.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency is a non-governmental organization present in 125 countries providing sustainable community development and disaster relief. ADRA is asking for any donation possible to support its emergency response fund.
Yele Haiti was established by musician Wyclef Jean to inspire change through programs in education, sports, the arts and environment. Yele Haiti is accepting donations to help make a difference in Haiti via its website. Because of high traffic to the website, Yele is
accepting donations through mobile phones, with people able to text the word "YELE" to 501501 to make a $5 contribution. Yele Haiti can also be followed on Twitter.
Plan Canada has been operating in Haiti for nearly 40 years. Donations can be made by calling 1-800-387-1418.
Mennonite Central Committee is responding to the Earthquake disaster in Haiti. MCC has been working in Haiti since 1928 in agriculture, reforestation, justice, health and AIDS work. MCC is responding with emergency relief supplies and will be there for the long term in reconstruction and trauma support and other work to be determined. Call 1-888-622-6337 to donate or for more information.
United Nations World Food Programme is airlifting almost 90 tonnes of high energy biscuits — enough to provide more than half a million emergency meals. An income tax receipt will be issued for donations over $10.
United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Greater Toronto and
Combined Jewish Appeal of Montreal have established funds for humanitarian relief aid to the afflicted areas. In Toronto call 416-635-2883 and in Montreal call 514-345-2600.
Jeff @ NOW2K